
M E S H    A R C H I T E C T S

Grade 1 Conservation and Contemporary Design Architects

69 Middle Abbey Street,
Dublin D01 P5Y4

01 563 9021
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MESH Architects is registered as an RIAI practice with Grade I Conservation Accreditation. We are located in Dublin and work throughout Ireland.

We provide Conservation Services in Relation to the Following:

-Purchase of protected structures.
-Creative reuse & adaption of protected structures.
-Specialist consultancy services to architects and engineers.
-Compliance with statutory obligations.
-Applications for relevant grants and funding.
-Historic research and analysis.
-Inventories, measured drawings and condition reports.
-Non-destructive investigation.
-Integration of modern technology and services.
-Design of appropriate alterations and extensions.
-Techniques of repair, restoration and consolidation.
-Liaison with fire officers, consultants and building owners in the formation of fire prevention and security strategies.
-The need for services of specialist consultants, contractors, and craftsmen for the investigation, design and/or execution of works.
-Maintenance and management plans and schedules.
-Contracts suitable for conservation work.

MESH Architects Conservation Expertise & Philosophy:

Ireland has a rich heritage of historic architecture and cultural landscapes, ranging from simple vernacular cottages and artisan housing, to palatial estates and elaborate churches.  Having suffered severe neglect and intentional destruction, relatively few of Ireland’s significant historic structures have survived either unchanged or in a good state of repair.  Additional pressures on the fabric of these structures have come from changes in lifestyles and building use, as well as from building technology, building regulations, and energy consumption.

Our approach to the conservation of historic structures includes the following skills:

-Research.  To establish the building chronology of the structure and its historical context.
-Survey.  To record the structure’s physical fabric and its current physical condition, through photographic and drawn surveys.
-Investigation.  To understand the extent and cause of physical deterioration, and its remedy.
-Design and Specification.  The repair and maintenance of historic structures requires the use of traditional materials and building crafts, as well as the careful control of contemporary methods of cleaning and control of damp.  Where necessary and appropriate, we take a sensitive approach to the alteration and extension of historic structures. 
At MESH Architects, we recognise that even significant historical buildings must continue to evolve if they are to continue to contribute to their surroundings and to be attractive places to live, work and play.  We believe in an approach of careful stewardship that aims to guarantee a viable future for significant structures,  while preserving their significant features, to internationally recognised standards.


MESH Architect’s  objective is to provide a responsive and highly professional service, tailored to the needs of each client and to deliver results of consistent quality regardless of commission size. Quality is central to all of the work MESH Architects undertake. One senior member of staff is tasked with the ongoing development and appraisal of our existing policies and methods, so that the work we produce always meets and surpasses our client’s expectations. This process is overseen by the partners and is crucial to us as it reduces any potential liabilities to the practice, allowing us to focus our expert skills on what we do, to the best of our ability. We believe there is a significant difference between an organization which truly believes in the need to manage quality and one which merely prepares itself to comply with a prescribed standard.We further expect (and verify) that the consultants we work with also apply suitably rigorous Quality Systems. Through our ongoing insistence on implementing ISO Standards we are working towards ISO 9001 Quality System Accreditation.

